The exam was fairly rigidly set up. Each student had their own exam and seat assigned to them. The students who had somehow failed to register got forms for on-the-spot registration and improvised exam booklets. We had scratch paper in different colors to make sheet-passing easier to track, and our student IDs and an additional photo ID were checked as we took the test. All solutions had to be in pen, written in a specific answer form, and we wrote our name and ID-number on every page.
That's the boring stuff. The less boring to some, more boring to others stuff is the problems we had to solve in the test. 5 questions, each taking about half an hour. Yuck! At least they tried to come up with mildly amusing situations. One problem involved analyzing how quickly an olive in a Martini absorbs alcohol and how many a guy has to drink before getting drunk.
I did not have the best start to the day. I awoke at 4AM, convinced it was 8PM. However, given how low the battery on my phone/alarm clock was when I checked the time, this might actually have saved my butt. Then, when I finally did get up, I spent the first two hours of consciousness feeling queasy. That might have to do with all the brownie batter I ate raw last night. Hey, the pan was too small for the recipe. Clearly the metric system is to blame.
Despite all that, by the time the test came around, I felt fairly well and rested. I answered all but one sub-problem and feel pretty confident about the majority of my answers. The results will come out on March 6th, the day after my Controls exam. I need to buckle down and study for that and my Dynamics class now that the first wave of tests has passed. However, until Monday, I'm taking a break. Nothing but brownies, Scandal episodes, and medieval poetry for me!